There are currently 23,936,565 people and 646,731 teams using SaberCatHost who have shared 207,085,572 files.
Store and manage all your files!
Upload multiple files at once and keep them forever on this site. If you're using FireFox or Chrome, you can simply drag & drop your files to begin uploading.
Fast and instant downloading!
Our premium members benefit from no waiting time and direct downloads for all of their files. Unlike other file hosts we don't limit the transfer speed of our downloads.


Super Fast!

Safe and Secure
Safely store and backup all your essential files. From family photos & videos to important documents, you can rely on us to store all your media securely and forever.
What are you waiting for?
There are currently 23,936,565 people and 646,731 teams using SaberCatHost who have shared 207,085,572 files.